15 week bumpdate

How Far Along: 15 weeks and 5 days

Meds: All taken daily – gummy multi-vitamins, Gaviscon or Tums as required for heartburn.

Still pending Zofran refill. 😦 I took 2 Diclectin and slept amazing last night. Woke up to the usual Diclectin zombie mind fog. I puked twice this morning. Tried to call OB, but couldn’t get through. So, I booked myself into my GP this evening.

Baby is the size of: a pear or an apple

Best Moment This Week: Having a regular poop after missing 2 days of Zofran. It’s the simple things in life that bring me the most pleasure. 🙂

Total Weight Gain: +6 lbs – did not weigh in this week. I noticed last week that I hadn’t gained anything in a few weeks – most likely due to the puking.

Maternity Clothes: I lived in maternity comfy pants all weekend. Love those Urkel-style sweats. They go up high, but they are amazing! When I wear them, I’m happy as Steve in this photo – except my pants aren’t floods and my shirt is pulled over the high waist. I’m actually wearing them in the blue blump photo below. steveurkel Symptoms:  NAUSEA! Puking. Heartburn. Newest symptom: sore lower back and hips – especially my right hip. I had my first prenatal chiro appointment last week. I plan on going 1x month until baby arrives for both chiro and massage. I’m thankful fthat my benefits cover both!

Sleep: Same ol’, same ol’. Tossing and turning due to heartburn. Still getting up to pee in the night. I’ve tossed my Snoogle aside for a regular body pillow (on one side) and just a pillow between my legs (on the other). The Snoogle and my neck didn’t get along. I prefer a softer pillow. We might get reacquainted once my belly needs more support.

Food Cravings: Blueberries, mini wheats, ice cold water, anything cold, anything plain – this was not a week for flavour!

Anything making you queasy or sick:  Brushing my teeth, driving, bending over or getting up too fast, sometimes even just looking at food, ugh!

Movement: I could be wrong, but I feel like I can tell when baby is moving. It’s almost like my uterus gets a bit tighter and feels like butterflies going on. Nothing major yet except this feeling.

Stretch Marks: Nothing new.

Baby Bump: “THE BLUMP” is getting bigger. I can really start to notice it rounding out. image Gender Prediction: BOY!

Labour Signs: Too early.

Belly Button In or Out?: Innie to start!

Wedding Rings on or off?: On.

Happy or Moody?: Moody. The return of pukefest makes me an unhappy camper.

Purchases for baby: The Halo Bassinet 

Miss Anything?: Being able to enjoy normal activities. The nausea really puts a damper on my day. I hope I can get over it and go for a few leisurely bike rides before the blump gets too big!

Looking forward to: Our anatomy/gender scan on May 28, decorating the nursery and buying baby items.

The pukefest continues…

Remember how I said I was feeling better? That didn’t last long.

Thursday, I had a bad day. Didn’t puke a lot but felt nauseous all day. I ran out of my Zofran prescription on Friday and lasted all day Saturday before major puking episodes started again. Saturday, I only puked once. Yesterday afternoon, I couldn’t keep anything down after lunch. Today, I ended up calling in sick as I puked probably 10X before noon.

I called my favourite receptionist TWICE today. She said that she had left a note on the OB’s desk last week, but that he was really behind on them. She said she would mark it as URGENT and move it to the top of the pile. I called back end of day and she said there was nothing she could do until she spoke to him after the day’s appointments were done. Clearly, this woman has NEVER been prego sick and is STILL working on that office assertiveness that she is lacking. I got a bit short with her today. I told her I would have came in for an appointment last week, but she told me this could be handled over the phone. Then I said, if I don’t get my prescription filled today, I’ll be calling for an appointment tomorrow and most likely a doctor’s note for missing more time off work.  😦

The fantastic news is: since I’ve stopped Zofran, I’ve had regular poops!!!! That being said, I’ll take marbles out of my ass if it means my head isn’t hung over the toilet all day long. 🙂

I have some Diclectin left. I may pop a few tomorrow, but I really didn’t enjoy the zombie fog that comes along with it.

On Saturday, I was feeling optimistic that I could make it without any anti-nausea medicine. After today, I know I need to do what I need to do to get my work done. We are in the planning phases of a big project at work and I can’t take much time off right now (plus I’m most likely travelling again next week).

I get so frustrated when I get sick, but I keep telling myself life must want me to slow down for the sake of this baby. :/ I’m trying here… but a break that lasts longer than 24 hours would be really nice.