Why does my parenting approach matter to you?

I sent a news article about how you won’t spoil your baby by picking them up to my Dad and he responded with,”You will pay for it later…” 


How will I pay later for loving and tending to my child’s needs now?

I told my Dad I actually think my husband and I will pay less as our son (hopefully) won’t be in counselling dealing with all of the childhood issues that my husband and I both struggle with. HA HA HA HA 🙂

My Mom encouraged my SIL to move my nephew to his crib at 3 months.

My husband’s Uncle constantly tells us to let Wyatt “cry it out”.

His Aunt thinks that co-sleeping is dangerous, that my breast milk isn’t enough to sustain my son, and that we should already be feeding him mashed potatoes.

Why does everyone have an opinion? Why is our parenting style so difficult for our families to understand and accept?

I’m not hardcore with schedules, but I am fairly crunchy.

I breastfeed on demand.

Wyatt is 100% in cloth diapers.

I baby wear when it works for us, particularly for afternoon naps. We often use the stroller for outings though.

Wyatt gets a ton of cuddles and snuggles, but he also gets equal play time on his floor mat and in the exersaucer.

For me, parenting is about balance. It’s about listening to my child and trusting that my husband and I know what’s best for him.

Some days  I have no trouble ignoring the unsolicited advice, but other days I can help but want to scream at them, “WHO ASKED FOR YOUR OPINION ANYWAY?”

Deep breath. 




22 thoughts on “Why does my parenting approach matter to you?

  1. This is my biggest complaint about being a parent. Everyone has a damn opinion. It’s one thing if I ask for opinions, but the rest of the time people just need to shut their judgy little pie holes. And I’m in your camp. You can’t spoil a baby. Babies only ask for what they need. They’re not like teenagers. If you’re still catering to his every whim when he’s a teenager, then we can talk. 🙂

    Liked by 4 people

  2. Yup. So much this. Unless I’m asked for help/advice, or someone is doing something that is life threatening, I don’t butt in. Even under those circumstances I’m very, very careful about what I say.


  3. Yes! All of this is so true! I have become quite a smart ass when it comes to responding to advice. I used to ignore and be polite, but i just can’t anymore!


  4. I give you credit…I’m quite sure that I WILL say that to people!!! Family, friends, strangers, whoever…it’s MY kid, I’ll raise them how I see fit!


  5. Yeah. I hear you. I just don’t tell people how we parent most of the time. And never invite them over! I am sending calming energy and strength to overcome and let go your way. Turn the volume up on your inner voice and drown ’em out!


  6. Oh my 🙄 tell them all to wind their necks in and silently revel in their “I told you so’s!” if the time comes later when they were right, (which they won’t be!).
    My MIL told me the other day my blue pup has a temper and I have to knock it on the head. He’s 10 months old and he was screeching for food in the only way he knows how, besides which HOW are you meant to rationally negotiate with these tiny terrorists?!


  7. HAHAHA your breastmilk won’t sustain him. How has humanity grown to a population of 7 billion?! My gosh, the crap people believe in, and the crap they think it’s appropriate to have an opinion on! Nevermind them, you’re doing an amazing job!! xoxo


  8. I parent the same way you are and let me tell you: it pays off in dividends. Evelyn is secure, happy and I always hear from strangers and friends alike how well adjusted and close we are. I attribute much of that to the crunchy stuff I did when she was a baby. You do what your heart tells you to and block out the voices telling you Ithwrwise!


  9. Totally agree! We have very similar parenting styles and often hear many of the same things. I once had a friends grandmother (who I don’t actually know) comment on my facebook about how co-sleeping is “a little much & dads don’t like that.” Huh, that seems like a pretty huge generalization. Keep it up, mama!


  10. I was carrying our daughter into a store and a lady ran to open the door for me. I thought, “how nice” until she said, “cover her up, wind on her face is the worst thing that you can be doing to her”. She was tucked into me (and it was a 10 second walk from the car to the store door). I was stunned and speechless. We now joke about it. “getting wind on her face is the worst thing that you can do to a child – watch out!!” 😀


  11. I see it from a slightly different perspective. I think as long as you’re the one taking care of him, you should do it however you see fit, and luckily, in Canada, you get an awesomely long maternity leave so it’s not a big deal. However, here in the US, where there’s very little and that child will more than likely be going into daycare by 2-3 months old, if that baby is used to being held most of the time, that’s going to make things extra hard on the provider who unfortunately has to watch more than one child. There’s no one way to parent, just a tip for anyone reading that is going to have send their baby to daycare sooner rather than later. Usually, once they’re old enough to be mobile, it’s not as big of a deal.


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