Intentions for 2016

Last year, I set my intentions for 2015 using Leonie Dawson’s Create Your Shining Year workbooks. I was introduced to Leonie’s books and her work through my fertility coach, Zahra.

I highly recommend these books if you are someone – like me! – who loves setting intentions, being creative, writing down your goals and reflecting back on them.

This year, I pre-ordered the set (both life and biz books) in the summer. I reviewed my 2015 intentions and progress, but I haven’t quite finished my 2016 intentions.

For 2015, I defined my word of the year as PEACE. Throughout my pregnancy, peace really was an apparent theme. I distanced myself from people who cause drama and spent a lot of time alone finding my inner peace. I also worked at finding peace in pregnancy after loss – which is not an easy feat! At the end of my pregnancy, I had to make peace with the lack of control I had over the timing of Wyatt’s arrival. We also had an overwhelming sense of peace once he finally joined us. ❤


My theme for 2016 is JOY. I want every day to be filled with joy. I want to experience so much happiness in this first year of my son’s life. I  want to only commit to activities, people, and items that bring joy into my world. This would be the reason I’ve registered for Mommy + Baby yoga; not bootcamp. 😀 (haha) 2016-01-11 14-02-45

I will complete the 2016 book, but I’m not putting a timeline on myself. That’s been another big lesson since having a baby: going with the flow sometimes means that timelines aren’t as important. My intentions will organically unfold as they are meant to. Besides, I’m not experiencing joy if I’m experiencing  unnecessary stress. 🙂

What’s your word of the year? 


On the path to positivity

This cycle is different. 

It’s not just because it’s my 1st IVF. 

It’s just all around different. 

I’ve come so far from the person I was when we first set out trying to conceive. This Lindsey is different. 

I no longer live in fear. I am no longer am anxiety-ridden. 

I know there’s no sense in worrying about the what-ifs – what could go wrong – with this cycle. We will face whatever crosses our path if/when we need to. 

I am truly taking this one day at a time. 

At the beginning of this month, I set the following intentions for our IVF journey:

support, truth, honesty…

love, strength, grounding…

confidence, trust, belief in the journey…

a sense of calmness and serenity…

health, happiness, joy, openness and peace. 

I can honestly say that’s exactly how I’m feeling. 

I am at peace with the process. I have belief in the journey. 

I know we will conceive our children.

I can’t guarantee it will be with this cycle, but it’s much easier to live in hope than despair.  

There is light at the end of this journey. I can see it shining already. 

Today I choose hope