A natural approach to fertility + a GIVEAWAY!

From the start of our journey, I wanted to conceive naturally.

I have tried the following holistic approaches to balance my hormones, reduce stress and improve our chances of having a baby:

  • Naturopathic medicine (various supplements and homeopathy)
  • Acupuncture
  • Reflexology
  • Yoga
  • Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) a.k.a. “Tapping”
  • Meditation
  • Chiropractic treatments
  • Massage
  • Crystal healing
  • Bodytalk sessions
  • Reiki

It was not easy for me to transition from natural fertility cycles to the world of crazy drug-induced fertility treatments. I often believe more of what my natural practitioners tell me compared to the Western approach.  In my opinion, Western medicine often boxes you into a category (Unexplained) and doesn’t always take into account the entire mind, body and spirit.

This month, I’m limiting my extras to acupuncture, reflexology, crystal healing, reiki and meditation. I guess this list really doesn’t seem like I’m limiting much. Oh well… 🙂

I would love to go into detail about how each modality has impacted my life, but I know for most (in)fertiles it’s not reasonable to even attempt to try all of the above mentioned options. Many holistic treatments are NOT covered by your health insurance.

When people say “OMG infertility treatments must be costing you so much!”.

I always respond with, “You have no clue what I spent before I started the drugs”.

If you are looking for a cost-effective approach to fertility relaxation, I would highly recommend the Circle+Bloom IUI/IVF Mind-Body Program. It’s $59 US to download or you can use this referral code to receive 15% off your purchase: http://circlebloom.refr.cc/9F5V7Z8

I’ve been doing this meditation each night since we started fertility drugs in December. There are even specific meditations for the Trigger/Egg Retrieval and Insemination/Transfer days.This isn’t the first fertility meditation I’ve tried, but it’s definitely my favourite. It has significantly reduced my stress. The relaxation/visualization process they walk you through just works for me.

Circle+Bloom also offers programs for natural cycles, PCOS, FET, egg donation, pregnancy, delivery and for those wonderful partners in our lives.

We all know that referral codes often give something back to the referrer so…

I’ve decided that if enough people purchase the program using my referral code, I will use any referral $ dollars accumulated to giveaway a FREE Circle+Bloom Mind-body Program to one lucky (in)fertile or prego!!! 

I know this process may not happen overnight (I’d love to have 1000s of readers, but in all honestly I don’t). So, I’ll keep you posted and let you know how it goes.  When I am close to having enough $, I’ll post the details of how you can enter to win. 🙂

Hope this helps someone out there who needs it.

7 thoughts on “A natural approach to fertility + a GIVEAWAY!

  1. Your pineapple eating advice probably helped me getting my bfp! Not everything works for everybody, but it doesn’t hurt to try, right? I’m all for natural aid and if I could have afforded it moneywise and timewise (’cause I ain’t no spring chicken 😉 ) I would have done so much more on the natural side before accepting the help of modern medicine! Make sure you keep eating that pineapple 😉


  2. Sounds interesting. I too am having a hard time adjusting to the western way of doing things. We love our lives very echo friendly and organically in all senses. It’s hard to let go if some of the herbs and things that seemed so helpful before. Acupuncture is amazing though.


  3. I’m with you, I’ve done every single holistic approach out there. It’s scary how much we’ve spent. I’ve totalled it around £30K and counting. But I do think it helps, and circle & bloom were one of them. Also check out Meditation Oasis. They have some amazingly relaxing podcasts that I highly recommend xx


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