Navigating the next 2WW

Pregnancy symptoms mean so much to you after you have endured infertility treatments and pregnancy loss. Every twitch, ache, stomach flip, hot flash and wave of exhaustion validates that your body is growing a baby. This morning, I had my first major nausea episode. I was getting ready for work when it came on. I dry heaved over the toilet and the sink, but didn’t actually throw up. I’ve been feeling fine since then.

My friend Alicia from ladylovenandbabydust recommended the Ovia Pregnancy and Pregnancy+ apps. I’ve been following them daily for updates. Right now, my baby’s spleen is starting to appear. Absolutely Fascinating!

I’m 6 weeks, 4 days today. Each time I see that number increase, I feel some relief. There’s 9 days til our first official ultrasound. Although we got a sneak peak in the OB’s office last week, we didn’t ask to hear a heartbeat. I will feel much better after our next appointment.

With my hormonal irritability and my anxiousness for our next scan, I haven’t been as centered the past couple of days. There’s a few lingering family/friend issues that are bothering me. I’m going to sit down tonight  to do a mediation exercise that my fertility coach sent me called, “Releasing Energetic Ties that Bind”. I have some forgiveness and releasing work to do. I want to get back to a place where I’m 100% focused on my husband, myself and our baby.

As much as I want to fast-forward into the 2nd trimester, I keep reminding myself to appreciate this time. Even though there is some uncertainty, there is much joy and happiness.


37 thoughts on “Navigating the next 2WW

  1. Nausea is a good thing… it should mean that things are moving along nicely! I seriously can’t believe just wrote that- you can slap me next time you see me!

    Here I am at 37 weeks, still barfing and fighting the urge to daily


    • I was thinking of you this morning when I was nauseous. I remembered that time when we had lunch and you couldn’t even get a few bites in. I’m relieved to say I’ve been fine the rest of the day, but I’ve got no appetite.


  2. I downloaded the What To Expect App, and am not really liking it much. Thanks for the recommendation on the Ovia one. Having experienced pregnancy loss too, I’m a bit anxious (plus my underlying anxiety disorder!) as well. I just keep reminding myself that everything about this pregnancy is different so far. It gives me hope. Nausea is a good sign too! Lol. PS- I love being a few weeks behind you, as I feel so connected to your posts! I’ll be thinking of you and sending positive vibes for a great ultrasound in 9 days!


  3. Although challenging… ENJOY the symptoms!!! The nausea is a great thing!! I’m in 2nd trimester hell and I feel completely normal!! It drives me crazy!! haha.

    The Ovia app is awesome. That is the one I use also. I love the different stages and how you can track pretty much everything. Also the food list that says what is a no-no and what’s okay.


  4. I had no idea that there were apps like that!! Try not to wish yourself through everything though…even though there may be some unpleasant stuff, try to enjoy your pregnancy! 🙂


  5. Sorry for the nausea, yes I know it’s good…but it still sucks. I hope yours doesn’t get too bad. If it does persist, try using SeaBands (for motion sickness). I found them to be helpful in relieving a lot of the yuckiness. Also, if you like or can tolerate ginger, that supposed to work (for some). Ginger cookies (I’ve got a great recipe), tea, etc.


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