New Moon: regrouping & reconnecting

Our news about our FET officially being scheduled was exciting, but it also was frightening.

Immediately after I hung up the phone, my mind started racing with the list of what I needed to do: book travel, tell employer, tell parents, line up MIL to watch fur-babies, ensure no conflicts in calendar, etc.

The first step was booking travel. We found a reasonable deal on Expedia, but I just couldn’t shake the lingering and overwhelming anxiety of what is to come.

Yoga, meditation, deep breathing, a hot shower, calm and soothing music – none of it was working to bring me back to my balanced and peaceful state.

By this afternoon, my back/shoulders were sore (as anxiety gives me a “carrying the weight of the world” feeling) and I had a tension headache.

This evening, I had a much needed reiki session with my Reiki Master. We talked lots about the journey behind and before me. Before me… that’s where the fear comes in. 

Tonight is the first New Moon of 2015 – a perfect night for self care. I had a warm bath, then got out my new moon journal to record my desires and wishes – what EXACTLY it is I want to manifest into my life. I also made a list of the feelings I want to have during my FET and the 2 week wait.

That is the power of the New Moon: you regroup and reconnect with self to regain your focus.

Worrying creates tension which is a hostile environment for my babies. I can’t control the outcome of this cycle, but I can recognize when I’m becoming imbalanced. I can control my mind’s focus.

Simply put, it’s mind over matter.

I can do this. I’m ready to do this.

7 days til transfer…


13 thoughts on “New Moon: regrouping & reconnecting

  1. Thinking of you and sending prayers and positive vibes your way! I can relate to the anxious and overwhelming feeling that everything is happening all at once. You’re working hard to be in a good place mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Every bit of effort is comforting you and protecting you. I pray that you feel peace soon. By the way, I started the Moon Goddess program. I think you’ve mentioned it on here (or I’ve completely dreamt it up!) I have been getting emails from the Mind Belly Connection for a while now and have listened to a couple of their talks. I recently heard Zahra Haji’s talk and was absolutely hooked. I have my strategy planning session with her next week. Your efforts to stay balanced has been inspiring me a lot. I can relate to that ‘weight of the world’ feeling and felt like I needed to fix that asap. Truly hoping this helps. Sending you peaceful vibes!


    • I love the Moon Goddess program! That’s what I talk about when I say going to do my fertility yoga. I’ve been doing Zahra’s coaching programs. She seriously has been a major influence in me achieving and maintaining this mindset. Hope you enjoy the program. I’ve learned so much from her.

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