New Moon practices for manifesting

I continuously say that my spirituality and my fertility journey go hand in hand.

The New Moon is a time for manifesting, setting goals and beginning anew.

Tonight is the New Moon in Sagittarius. Mystical Mamma posts insights into each moon cycle if you are interested in learning more.

Each New Moon, I create my own moon ceremony. I use the term ceremony loosely as it is any ritual you perform with intention. You make it what you need it to be. It doesn’t have to be elaborate or even planned.

Tonight, I lit some incense and a few salt rock lamps. I sat at my desk, put on some relaxing music and got out my New Moon journal. This journal is one that was given to me by a dear friend specifically for this moon phase. It has a beautiful moon on the front of it.

Inside, I dated the page and wrote the following affirmation statement, “I accept these things into my life now or something better for my highest good.

Below the statement, I wrote a list of things I wish to bring into my life or expand upon. I like to balance my list by considering what my goals are for each area of my life: Career, Marriage, Personal Relationships, Relationship with Self, etc. The list can be a simple as desiring peace or as specific as a trip to Paris. There is no shame in including materialistic items. They are a part of our everyday lives.

I don’t over think my list. If I find myself trailing off or over-analysing my thoughts, I take a few deep breaths and ground myself. When the writing flows smoothly, I know I am on the right track. When the list comes to an end, I finish it off with my signature.

When I first started this practice, I wasn’t sure what to expect. It’s been fascinating to go back and revisit my previous New Moon intentions. I am continuously surprised by what actually does come true. Sometimes, it’s what I least expected; whereas, something that seemed so easy ends up being on the list for months and months. This practice doesn’t give me answers to why certain things are more difficult to manifest (that’s a whole other topic), but it does give me a sense of gratitude for the intentions that have come to life.

Through just a few moments of reflection, I am able to create a scared space that allows me to explore my soul’s deepest desires. I accept where I am currently at and look forward to where I want to be. My New Moon ceremony helps bring me back to myself after experiencing a pregnancy loss and feeling so alone. Even through the darkness, love and light exists in my life.

I still have my ups and downs, but I can see a glimmer of hope on the horizon.

Happy New Moon!    XO


16 thoughts on “New Moon practices for manifesting

  1. Very insightful (I read your Mystical Mama link). I have to say, I’m a Sagittarius myself, so I love all the positivity associated with the sign. The part about Chiron/emotional healing struck me, as this has been a focus for me with my family issues (for months) and I felt I made a big stride these past couple days.
    I hope this new phase of the moon brings you many happy returns–wishing you lots of Saggittarian (Jupiter) luck! ❤ XOXO


  2. Yes…I love this…I might need to start a New Moon journal. I like that you can look back and see what intentions have happened and vice versa. I’m glad you can still see that “glimmer of hope”….we’ve got to have that…to keep going…always thinking of you girly! xoxo


  3. Pingback: Full moon practices for affirming and releasing | Awaiting Autumn

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